Will you be able to internally source the skills and expertise needed for your next project?
Source expert knowledge from outside at economical conditions and make the most of it by sharing it with others.
// Our mission

Airsource Partners was launched in October 2011 by Christian Gossel, a seasoned aviation executive boasting over 25 years of industry experience.
Airsource Partners' mission is to provide airlines and other actors of the commercial air transport industry with a swift, straightforward and economically affordable access to Aviation Expertise in all forms through a selection of value-adding projects covering all domains of the aviation industry.
Any business organization recurrently needs to launch punctual or larger scale actions aimed at improving overall operational efficiency, reducing costs or increasing revenue. These actions, whether they are well planned ahead or needed on a ad hoc and unexpected basis, require specific expertise and competences that might not always be available within the company. Lack of time and planning and often lack of commitment from the management layers of the airlines coupled with a shortage of qualified in-house resources also prompt companies to shop for expertise outside their boundaries.
The expertise needed from external sources is a time consuming and challenging task: what type of expertise do I really need? when? who can potentially provide this expertise? at what conditions? how do I appraise the various potential sources of expertise? how shall I ultimately measure the success of the project ?
Airsource Partners is here to help actors of the air transport industry by providing them with instant and affordable access to aviation expertise. For maximum efficiency the expertise painstakingly gathered by Airsource Partners is applied into a number of value-adding, ready-to-implement Projects covering a wide spectrum of strategic and tactical areas.
Airsource Partners is a business-to-business service connecting airlines and other actors of the air transport industry to a large amount of rigorously screened peer-recommended aviation experts in various domains of the air transport industry. Airsource Partners IS NOT a plain exhaustive directory of experts. Individual experts or companies do not pay to be listed. They are invited to join the Aviation Expertise Marketplace.
Our deep knowledge of the aviation business combined with a solid network of contacts allowed us to build a unique reservoir of aviation expertise sourced by recognized industry stakeholders (highly specialized companies, independent professionals and consultants, academics, active and retired aviation industry professionals,..) all with a proven track record and extensive hands-on airline experience. Our experts are enthusiastic about their areas of expertise and ready to share their knowledge with the rest of the industry.
All industry experts or companies with particular skills and knowledge or offering innovative solutions willing to contribute to the development of the air transport industry are invited to submit their credentials to Airsource Partners by filling out the form provided on the EXPERT ENROLLMENT section of the present web site or by contacting Airsource Partners directly.
We do not simply put our selected experts or companies in direct contact with airlines and airports. Instead, for maximum efficiency, we craft the vast amount of expertise contained in Airsource Partners’ virtual reservoir of knowledge into highly targeted, value-adding Projects covering a wealth of tactical and strategic industry topics. Projects are of limited duration and easily measurable for a quick and easy assessment of their success factors and overall ROI. All Projects are available for review and comment on the Project Board contained on this site.
In order to reach our self-assigned objective we built a dedicated tool to muster industry knowledge from various sources and restitute this expertise in the form of meaningful Projects.
The Marketplace was designed to reach both these objectives. Its Project Board makes all Projects instantly available to all airlines at all times and at no cost. Experts or companies wishing to join our aviation think tank can submit their credentials online.
The pivotal instrument in Airsource Partners' Marketplace is the Project Board available on this web site.
This interactive tools displays all Projects proposed by Airsource Partners. Customers can freely browse the exhaustive list of Projects, display Projects details, add comments and suggest themes for new Projects online. The list of Projects is updated on a regular basis.
For more details about this tool, go to the "Project Board" section of this web site or click here TO THE PROJECT BOARD
Airsource Partners encourages Collaborative Partnering between industry stakeholders involved on any Project.
Our goal is to build a participative community of individual experts and companies involved on various Projects. Experience, ideas, visions and whenever possible resources will be shared between all project players for everyone’s benefit. Airsource Partners will coordinate the interaction between all groups involved.
At times, some Projects can be jointly undertaken by several airlines. In other instances airlines can share the results of their own Project with others in exchange of some form of compensation without losing the benefits and the competitive advantage of being the airline at the origin of the Project.
In addition to saving time and instilling a valuable experience sharing process, Collaborative Partnering allows airlines to further reduce the individual cost of the Project for each participating party.
The innovative pathway proposed by Airsource Partners presents numerous benefits.
By sourcing its aviation expertise from the outside world, Airsource Partners does not have to maintain its own team of experts. Therefore Airsource Partners enjoys an unmatched level of flexibility allowing us to respond instantly to the many changes of the market. Should the type of expertise needed not be readily available in our aviation think-thank, we’ll start searching for it at once. Airsource Partners can virtually offer an unlimited spectrum of skills and competences.
Airsource Partners pledges to always assign the most qualified and best-suited expert(s) on any Project. While other service providers' priority will be to keep their own in-house staff assigned on projects on financial grounds irrespective of their true areas of competence, we guarantee access to the most qualified expert(s) at all times.
With no expert on our payroll and a company structure voluntary kept slim, Airsource Partners has no excessive overheads to pass on to its clients one way or the other as most larger service providers will be tempted to do. Therefore our Projects always come at attractive financial conditions.
The split of roles between Airsource Partners and the experts or companies assigned to any Project is clear. Airsource Partners handles the overall supervision of the Project(s) and maintains a constant relationship with the client airline or airport. The experts or companies retained on any Project will focus their attention on a successful delivery. Airsource Partners and the airline or airport will jointly finalize the scope of the proposed Project with the expert input from members of the aviation think tank. Airsource Partners will then find the experts best suited to do the job and will handle the administrative aspect of the Project. Whenever feasible Airsource Partners will search for potential Project partners among other industry players.
As the selected experts focus entirely on the execution of the Project they have no hidden agenda (like preparing the ground for a follow up project) and focus their attention on the delivery of the Project. It is therefore expected that their conclusions and recommendations will be submitted on time and will be truly unbiased.
Last but not least, Airsource Partners is not part of any IT group moved by the temptation to place its own IT solutions at the airline or airport at the end of the Project. Neither are we part of any airline or airport group that might be led to use confidential information obtained during the Project for its own benefit and potentially at the expense of the airline or airport at a later stage.
The recommendations and solutions delivered by the mandated experts and companies at the conclusion of any Project are therefore truly unbiased.
At times, the expertise searched for will be obtained from companies or other structured organizations rather than individual experts.
In such instances, the company or organization mandated to undertake the Project will be dealing directly with the airline or airport. In particular, the resulting contractual agreement will be inked between the company and the client airline or airport. Airsource Partners will continue to maintain the contact with the airline/airport and will provide regular feedback to the client’s management team on the evolution of the Project.